Wednesday 3 September 2008

Keeping Fit? Blog 3!

Well then my fellow 20somethings, sorry it’s been a while since I last wrote. Writing over the weekend was proved quite difficult with me doing my usual dash over London and the South East.
So, what’s new with you guys? Melodrama has been high on the old ricta scale with me, as usual
I’m back on the hunt on mysinglefriend, and needless to say, it isn’t going very well. I keep sending what I think are witty messages to blokes and getting NOTHING back apart from this banker wanker type who’s 30! I don’t think I’m ready for a guy of that age. I’ve always liked guys around my own age – must show my immaturity. Oh, I don’t know. Speed dating’s been put back a week or two as well, so I’m feeling a bit down on the bloke front and it really shouldn’t be at the for front of my mind when I don’t have a job!
Speaking of which, I’ve made a career choice, after 12 years of dreaming, writing and poorly paid work, I’m leaving the music industry. I mean, not even like I was in it that much but I’m looking to move towards charity sector. I’ve realize I need to do something a bit more meaningful with my life than trying to make other people rich and being part of a propaganda machine of telling the general public what they should and shouldn’t be listening too. It’s very scary, I’m slightly cross with myself that I’m “giving up” on my dreams, a very common thing to do in your 20s from what I’ve heard; but then as one of my very very good friends pointed out, I’ll probably get my love back for music and can always dabble a bit in it and even get my bloody club night sorted. Speaking of which, if anyone can help me out, I need to write a proposal for a club and I’m going to have to lie through my teeth and pretend that I’ve done a night before! I also expect you to be there when/if it ever gets going!
Back to the title of my blog! Keeping Fit!
I’m so desperate to get fit and loose a few inches of my thighs and stomach but my god, it’s a lot of effort just to get there. I started going to yoga and I really enjoy it even though it kills my bad back and I try to go swimming but I really want to be as slim as I was when I was younger. That’s quite funny in itself as I thought I was so fat! I swear my 7 years at Notre Dame did me some damage. I remember Kevin Abdula (name not changed) saying to me on the 699 bus in year 8, agh “Hannah you’re so ugly and minging, no one will ever want to kiss you.”Hell, that stuck in my head for years. Then there was the fact that I never really fitted into a “group” – which, in away, looking back I quite like now but it still left me with some issues. Don’t get me wrong by year 11 and Sixth Form, I had found a clique and was friends with most of the year, yet it did still leave me feeling unattractive and over weight. That was until I went to summer school at Sheff Uni between year 12 and 13 and met a friend and consequently a group of people that changed my life. Now, what shall I call him, Woolly* was this highly intelligent guy that was so off the wall and crazy that I felt so at home with him and his mates especially Del* who I ended up being the first bloke that ever broke my heart – that’s another story but the point being, that year we all went to Leeds Festival together and I’d never had boys fancy me like that, not to mention fight over me (another long story) – I don’t know what I’m rabbling on about all I know is I need to get fit, cut back on the fags and well, I don’t eat that much and I’m a veggie so…but just get active! I have a gym membership and I’m just wasting it! Agggghhhh (again)
What else was I going to ramble about oh yeah, idols getting old. Now, I think most of you know I’m stuck in the 90s, well, last night I went to see Gomez with Liz. Now, back in the day, I didn’t like them and Liz really wanted to go so I went and man, they were really good – apart from the fact I had to leave half way through as I was ill, but that aside, they were fantastic but man, had they aged! I keep forgetting that everyone else gets older as we do. I mean, Jarvis is 44 this year – it’s his birthday soon – I’m a stalker I know, and the Gallagher’s there old too. I really need to find people of my own age to fancy/idolize/admire instead of old codgers but then, I guess that’s what you get for being at the end of a generation.
I don’t know if any of you agree with me, but I think out school year (99 –gcse year) were the last of the whole “brit pop” generation. I remember when we all went back for the last year of sixth form and the year below came up - it was like they were from another planet. Lipsticks, eye liner, fake tan, too much attitude – they didn’t have the respect for the older years like we had done. And this has continued. If I look at my brothers year, Rat* my brother, turns 20 this Friday, they’re so superficial, impatient and overly confident. Whereas I think our age group, yeah, we’re impatient but we will work hard for what we want and just get frustrated but them, they want it all now with minimal effort and they expect it. It’s so strange, they all seemed to grow up too fast; they didn’t have teenage angst like we did. Didn’t fight parents and older siblings for independence, they just said, I’m doing it, like it or lump it! I may have got this all wrong and sound desperately like an old git, but that’s how I see it!
Anyway, enough from me today, I’m going to plan my club night and write this covering letter for a charity job (wish me luck) and live in hope that he’ll text me to go out for a late night romantic pizza or something…. Hmmm pizza.
I will write again this week, as I know I’ve been slack!
Please keep writing on the facebook wall and adding your friends.. and for hells sake, join in with the debates, this isn’t just about me!
My close friends always say my life's like a soap opera, well now it's a blog that I hope you all enjoy reading and contributing too. It would be great if we could turn this into a ranting site for everyone, not just me! Remember just because we're 20something doesn't mean we're really that much wiser than when we went through all this in our teens- LOL! Just have jobs and are in debt!

Please pass this on to other people and join my facebook group!

Love and blessings

Rae x

NB: names have been changed no personal vendettas meant to anyone - it's just life as it is, according to Rae

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