Thursday 12 April 2012

Are We Nearly There Yet?

20somethingmelodrama is starting to die out, dry up and develop into something new. Yes, I know I haven’t written for about a year, again, and maybe it would have been a better idea to call the blog a year in melodrama or something along those lines but now, after a few years and some random postings and rants, 20somethingmelodrama is coming to a close.

There are a number of reasons for this and the main one being that, apart from the fact hardly anyone reads it, I’ve only got eleven months of my twenties left and I think 30somethingmelodrama may sound a little pathetic and immature. Granted there still will be lots of drama in my life; no matter what I do I can’t escape it and when it does seem to dull down, yes, I miss it. A new blog then with a mature rambling, I hear you question? I’m guessing so or maybe I’ll actually get on and write that book. (Which is in the planning stages and probably will end up being a blog rather than a novel)

So as per usual I am going to make promises that will be broken and say I’m going to blog every month until I’m 30. I can at least try. I’m just not too sure what I can write about these days. Affairs with the boss or the happenings of evil and screwed up friends? Dating, twisted plans/ plotting and social climbing? (The latter makes me sound like an episode of Gossip Girl. (WE ALL HAVE OUR GUILTY PLEASURES)) or do I go down the route of stable jobs, happy relationships and all weddings I have to attend? But why not write about any of the aforementioned? To start with my boss is female and I’m not that way inclined, plus I don’t think I’m her type. I’ve ridded my life, aura and brain of all my evil friends and the ones that are screwed up? Well, I don’t have time to write about every single one of them. Dating? I could start dating again (obviously with the boy’s permission). The non-single goes dating around London, breaking hearts and trying different catch phrases and techniques; possibly? Or find one bloke to play with and see if you can drive him into a crazed frenzied bipolar outrage? oh hang on, that’s already sort of been done (“How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days” with my girl crush/ [the future?] Mrs Bellamy (bitch)) but we could do a more realistic sadistic version and possibly get Charlie Brooker to write the script? I think it’s about time he broke into chicklit. I digress. Twisted planning and plotting; so passé/three years ago. As for social climbing, having just moved onto a road where people keep up with Jones’, have play dates and music lessons, I’ve done with any fragment of an idea I might have had about social climbing. I mean, just the idea of being sociable? If I wanted friendly neighbours and a community spirit I’d MOVE BACK UP NORTH. In the space of the first six hours in our new abode, both the boy and I had met 3 out of 4 neighbours (remember this London and we all generally live in each other’s pockets and recycled air –aka – flats/house conversions) been cautiously welcome to the road, a detailed history of the area (we’ve moved around the bloody corner) and the boy got cougared. I’m waiting for the invitations for dinner or special parties where you take your house keys (we don’t do cars in North West London) at least that would be something to write about.

As for the list of more cheerful things; no one wants to read the happy side. The loved up bit. That’s why, from a young age, we’re read/told/watch stories that all end, in some shape or another, “and they all lived happily ever after”. Why are our juvenile brains not prepared for the happy ever after? Because, in entertainment value, it’s boring.

I suppose you’re all wondering why then did you start writing again? Well, fyi, I’m determined (in my best country accent) to get me writing again and hopefully get published in one of the following;

The Times, Guardian, Observer, New Yorker, Time Magazine, The Economist etc no, I’m only kidding, I’m aiming more for the Londonist, Kentishtowner or something a little more me.

Get prepaid for some, more than usual, random rants and findings as I start exploring, researching and trying to geek my way into the Londonist or I might just come to realise, that after all these years of trying, that, in fact, I’m not a very good writer after all.

Until next time.

Love and blessings

Rae x

Thursday 14 April 2011

The optimism of spring.

I like spring for many reasons; not only is it my birthday and that of many of my nearest and dearest but I love the uncertainty of it. You don’t know if you’ll get snow or, like in the case of the past five days, glorious sunshine. Birds sing and flowers play gambles with their lives whether to push through early or late. Lambs skip around the green patch work fields, whilst three weeks later, all you carnivores will be digesting baby lamb with a side of greens and jersey royals.

Spring is fun, the uncertainty and avid anticipation to when you should change your wardrobe over, personally gets me every year (and I get it wrong every year) Is it time for the big knits to become outer wear rather than an extra layer underneath your duffel coat. Can you get away with flipflopping down the high street or is it still darn on the knee high boots and 90 denier tights?

Christmas is meant to be the time of fun, family and friends but I disagree, it’s spring. Christmas is the one time every year that you don’t want to be single. Even if you’re a happy singleton that relishes the anti-valentine’s massacre, when Santa and his elves appear – it’s a time to get ready to justify your existence. When in the past, feeling down about my love life and having no attention from the opposite sex for months on end, my mum always reassured me, just wait for spring – the boys will be out and wanting to play and meet girls again. And I have to say, in the past she’s always been right yet this does leave you with a sense of paranoia that it’s just mother nature playing with your heart and there’s nothing you can do about the fact that when the dark nights come round again and Christmas once again peeks its fake-fully-joyous head, you’ll be single again- sat on the children’s table at Christmas dinners and so on and so forth. But this again, makes spring exciting – its uncertainty that may be that Mr. March, April or May could in fact last a full year of seasons and not to mention a summer of fun. Spring is the run up, the practice, the getting ready for the summer, which, let’s face it, in weather terms is going to be a disappointment – not like spring! So i shout for spring! One for the lovin’ of all things uncertain!

But as I get older, I have to say, the one thing I do miss about spring is Easter bonnets and egg rolling… anyone game?

Thursday 10 March 2011

Word to the Wise

Wow, it’s been well over a year since I last posted and I hope you’re all well.
What can I say, it’s been a crazy 12 months and thanks to a number of friends nagging, 20somethingmelodrama is back for its last two years. Yes, that’s right, two years before your dear author turns 30. So moving away from the depressing stuff, I thought I’d take the advice and motivation I’ve received from my nearest and dearest and get writing again. One piece of advice I’d had is not to write as much, so expect shorter but hopefully more frequent postings.
Where to start? Well without giving a rundown of my yearly events, I’ll continue where I left off or sort of.

I remember writing and ranting about women in trainers and I hate to say it but I’ve become one of them. A good friend at work called these females that wear offensive foot wear, “working girls”! How times have changed and meanings developed. I can openly say that I’m now a ‘working girl’, in a non-whorish fashion, although, yes, you at the back of the class, I hear you snigger- “perfect definition more like it”.( Yet, I will point out mine is for purely medical purposes and not laziness.) Which I guess, means, I’m a hypocrite or that I should be more understanding but alas no, I still stare and glare at the feet of those wearing what only can be described as gym wear below their ankles. So woman of North London, if you see a blonde lass, hidden under a black hat, wearing pink and white trainers, staring at your feet, it’s not out of admiration!

Groupon/LivingSocial etc
One thing that has definitely changed and started to invade the lives of us girlies (and boys) is voucher websites; from Money Saving Expert to sites such as Living Social and Groupon, the flight of fancy surrounding such HTML holdings is everywhere. I may be one of the last to catch on and albeit I’ve not purchased anything off one yet the excitement of work colleagues in my building is beyond immense especially when they start shouting “I’ve won”– it’s the same thing that happens with bidding on ebay; do you all not realise you have to pay for these things? Well on this bandwagon I’ve sort of jumped and forwarded the below to my housemate today – is it me or does the bit about a cup of herbal tea sound somewhat patronising?

Well, I’m going to leave it there – I promise these blogs will become more fun filled and full of drama; don’t get me wrong there’s plenty I could write but as I mentioned earlier, I’m keeping them short and frequent. So I’m going to go and stop my housemate from kicking in the washer machine door and make haste to the land of nod!!

My close friends always say my life's like a soap opera, well now it's a blog that I hope you all enjoy reading and contributing too. It would be great if we could turn this into a ranting site for everyone, not just me! Remember just because we're 20something doesn't mean we're really that much wiser than when we went through all this in our teens- LOL! Just have jobs and are in debt! Please pass this on to other people and join my facebook group!
Love and blessings
Rae x

Thursday 20 August 2009

Summer days... make me feel...

Before I start, I have to admit this is quite a girlie post, sorry boys but you'll enjoy the insight into girlworld no doubt?

My darling readers, how are we?

So then Yet again, I once apologise for my lame up dates – or should I say my none-existing ones?

I’m trying to think what’s been happening since May, a lot and not a lot would be the best way of describing it.
After many failed interviews for exciting jobs, I still don’t have a permanent position but I am temping – well for another week. Ah, I forgot how nice it was to have a bit of cash instead of wacking everything on a credit card and suffering for it later. The actual buzz you get from paying your rent – I know you may disagree with this but when you’ve been on benefits for so long, to be able to pay your own way is quite nice. What can I say, I’m a strong independent woman – cough cough, (that still lives a bit off the bank of mum and dad – oh the shame)

Ooo as I’m reading over this, I’ve realized I’ve not mentioned the death of the late Wacko Jacko. Man, I still can’t believe he’s died and feel slightly numb about it all. Like most, I was always skeptical about his involvement with children but did have this sadness for him, a mean that guy had a messed up childhood that would make most of us insane not alone someone who is a tad twisted… I really don’t see why people want fame or even why parents thrash it upon them – beats me (ouch sorry) so yea, I watched the tribute show and I cried at what Paris said about him. So sweet, I just hope she doesn’t end up as screwed up as her father or even Paris Hilton…. So that’s my bit about Jackson and I maybe should have added an extra bit in here but as it’s taken me a few days to piece this sham of an entry together, I guess I’ll just have to leave it there. Rest In Peace Michael.

So, a quick over view. I don’t really want to make this entry all about men (although we do know that it will be a main focus as I’m that obsessed-lol)
Had a very short and quick fling, if you can even call it that with, hmm what to call him – yes, Iago, that will do. He was a nice chap, quite a bit older than me. Interesting, great job (music industry and media based) – some great freebies and all the trimmings but it just didn’t really come to anything; I guess you could say it finished before it started but he was the first guy I’ve really liked since Dave. Ah well, I’ve decided that men and alcohol are no good for my mental health so I’m giving them a wide birth (at least 2 days a week any way)
I’ve still not managed to meet up with the Barrister – I’m beginning to wonder if it’ll ever happen but we have progressed to being friends on Facebook, so I guess that’s something – hehe. Anyway, he’s meant to be in London towards the end of September, so we’ll see if any thing happens.
As for the others, well they’re all off the radar and I’m fully aware I need to up date you all on the stories of the Banker and the Wolf as well as the ‘daddy’. And I promise I will do… one day, so stay tuned.

So here’s my first rant. Yes it is man focused but not totally. – what a rip off and such a conspiracy. Seriously annoyed and really want my money back. So after 4 months of mingers (I know that’s harsh but true) messaging me and the odd half decent bloke ‘winking’ me, I finally get some interest from two rather nice looking and interesting blokes.
Now, around the start of June, I tried to cancel my membership and got done for another 3 months without even being asked – bloody American sites – oh yeah, that’s another thing, I never managed to get the English version, always paying dollars even though my search was UK based, very odd. I’ll carry on – so, as it stands I figured out that if I did a search and then winked/emailed a few blokes all of a sudden I’d get messages from different men. Now at first I thought this was just a coincidence and I guess it would be quite logical that the more you go on, the further up the pecking order you go – but not when you’re paying for it! And then, the last week before my membership runs out, I get these two nice blokes chatting to me. Hmmm all very sus if you as me. And I now have a message from another one that I can’t read and I’ve only managed to get one of the nice blokes phone numbers – typical!! What to do? Do I sign up again (being skint) or just take it as fate?

does anyone know how to get rid of RSI apart from by weekly massage?

Back to it – = rip off and Plenty of Fish is just full of odd balls with skeletons – definitely no fish there. But I have discovered something in the ways of blokes.
And you males reading this may want to skip this bit as it involves ‘periods’ – I know men don’t like reading or hearing about it – but here’s the heads up so no complaining…

Ladies, those few days just before you’re due on The ones when you want to kill your next door neighbour and their cat. You’ll cry at adverts for washing up liquid not to mention the world being against you and no-one should touch you as you’ll burst, lash out, eat a tub of ice cream, then cry – . anyhow, we all know about pheromones and I still don’t know why but you’re guaranteed to pull when you’re due on or even on!
This does provide a few problems if one is looking for a bit of ‘fun’ but still none the less it’s a nice confidence booster even if you don’t want to turn round and scream obscenities at the brickie that just looked you up and down and wolf whistled at you. Or batter the bloke that just squeezed your arse in the que at the bar but there’s always the fit guy that smiles at you or even the one that buys you a drink at the bar – masterful – they should have bleed dating or something – (maybe that would attract too many vampires?)
I still find it really funny though. Take the other week. I was walking down Parkway in Camden with spots, a belly that made me look 3 months gone, swollen ankles and a face that could definitely not have launched a rowing boat not alone a 1000 ships. But I got ‘alright gorgeous’ from about 3 blokes, one which said ‘do you wanna date tonight darlin’’ and some looks too; granted they were all minging but it gave me a nice little confidence booster 3 days later, at the actual time it made me go even redder than the hot flushes had done and throw a dirty look at the men.
But anyway, what I’m trying to say is – those 5-7 days of hell are actually the best time to go out there and get noticed! Maybe this is already common knowledge, in which case why has no-one ever told me before, but if not, here’s a bit of hope for you single ladies out there. Instead of sitting in with Sex and The City and a tub of Ben and Jerry’s crying at how crap your life is; grab the girls put on your best dress – or second best that has an extra bit of room around the tummy area and preferably not white – and hit the local for a few glasses of Rosé- job done – number in hand – you won’t text for a few days because you’ll be hating the world for a bit longer, so you won’t look too desperate and then the week after you’ll have a date, you can fit into your smaller dress and higher heals and, if you so wish, go all the way (but I doubt you’ll see him again if you do).
So that’s Rae’s way to date!

What else is on my rant list? I’ve been making notes as these past few weeks/months so I have to really think about if it’s worth rsi pain or if it was just a silly thought that has been and gone and I’ve already probably exhausted to the few of you that actually read Melodrama.

Ooo while I think about it, I thought you’d like to know that the fans on Facebook are getting bigger and there’s even some people on their I don’t know, so keep it going – I’ll buy you all chocolate next time I see you – add your friends NOW!!!!!

Back to the rant list – shall I try bullet points? Yes, then you can skip to the bit you actually want to read.
· Woman and trainers
· False eyelashes
· Art Deco and super skinny – coming soon
· New people I’ve met –coming soon

Woman and trainers….aggggjhhhhhh this really does my head in. You don’t see it much in other cities that London (really) but women in nice suits and pretty dresses with trainers on – ouch!
Oh dear, it really drives me mad. Now I understand you’ve been in your heals all day, you’ve walked to meetings, paced the floors of a court room and threatened a couple of prevvy blokes with the a stiletto in the eye but still this does not mean that you should put your trainers on to get on the bus/tube/tram or even walk home. Please! In this day and age you can get so many comfortable, affordable and pretty flat shoes and flip flops that will serve you as well as a pair of trainers. Now, don’t use the gym as an excuse as the aforementioned shoes do not take up that much room in your bag thus leaving room for gym kit.
I don’t want to sound like SJP in SATC but it’s a crime against fashion and femininity. You look ridiculous, I’m doing this as a favour to all you wonderfully successful women out there as well as for my own sanity! I can’t remember where I heard it or who said it but it was about French woman and how they dress; their sophistication and elegance. You have to admit,that French women look fabulous (sweetie darling, kiss kiss) and one of the reasons for this air of chic style is that they don’t wear jeans in social situations and trainers are strictly for exercise. Now, I’m not a massive jean wearer but I do love my denim skirt and sometimes find myself tuttin’ as I put it on and rush out of the house in a morning. Planning and grooming should come up a lot higher in our society. I’m not saying ladies we are ungroomed but I do think we either do ‘ladette’ or ‘pin up/wag’. Girls either seem to look like a wannabe Cheryl Cole or Jordon or, like me a girl that would look better on a building site or down the local rock joint. I’m not saying that’s wrong and with vintage and retro being predominant on the fashion scene for the past few years, I guess you could say that my above point is slightly out of date but as much as I love vintage clothing and the fashion that some girls put together it still doesn’t have the graces of the French. So I guess to correct myself we have the ladettes, the wag wannabes and vintage/art school types as well as your lady that just wears straight off the hanger (I’m not saying this is bad) – but all this aside and back to my original point… none of the above, no matter if you’re wearing Marc Jacobs or Mark One, Debenhams or Dior – none of it looks good with your Nike trainers. Please leave this to the chavs and asbos with the bottle of white lightening in the local park on a Friday night (yes, I’m guilty of once being one).

I guess from the above I can lead onto my next rant.
False bloody eye lashes! Oh yes, they’re fun and you can get feathers, glitter, rainbows and ones that would not just make a Drag Queen jealous but also knock her off her size 10 high heals – but there’s the ones and the girls that wear them on a daily basis.
Once again I’m going back to the Wag culture and at the top of my hit/hate list, as always, is Cheryl bloody Cole/Tweedy. I can’t stand this woman, and that in itself is a rant for another day but the Wags and also TV have lead for an increase in trend in false eye lashes. I see the appeal even though I’m scared to death of putting them on incase I have an allergic reaction. But, yes, they look great on fancy dress nights out and if you have inserts put in on semi-permanent basis, then great, I guess it’s up their with having your nails done but having these massive feather like eye lashes in everyday all the time – man, why? They make your eyes look smaller and the fakeness is up there with plastic boobs. Don’t get me wrong, I have seen some girls with some very neat and sophisticated styles but – I don’t see the point in wearing them all time. What ever happened to leaving things for an occasion? It’s like if you wore your best dress to work every day and had a million dollar smile painted, what would you do when you were going for an extra special date? Do you see what I mean? Or am I just biting at a petty irritation? I would love to hear some further comments on the topic and maybe help me build my argument a bit better.

Anyway, as I’ve just realized I’ve written five pages on word and hells know how many this will turn out on the website, I should leave it there.

Just to let you all know I’ve started working on a children’s book. So keep on at me to get it finished and if you’re lucky I’ll start posting bits of the story but it’s a lot more taxing that writing this and as you all know, I’m not that great at keeping it up to date.

Please add your comments to the Facebook fan page and for Pete’s sake, invite your mates. There’s not much point of having a ranting blog if no one ever joins in, even if it is to have a stab at how bad my SPAG is.

My close friends always say my life's like a soap opera, well now it's a blog that I hope you all enjoy reading and contributing too. It would be great if we could turn this into a ranting site for everyone, not just me! Remember just because we're 20something doesn't mean we're really that much wiser than when we went through all this in our teens- LOL! Just have jobs and are in debt! Please pass this on to other people and join my facebook group!
Love and blessings
Rae x

Wednesday 27 May 2009

Welcome back to the melodrama of a 20something dramaqueen!

So it’s been a while and wow, so much has and hasn’t happened!The boring bit first! I’m yet again unemployed and soul searching for the perfect job. A job that helps people pays well, with good hours and a slight career attached to it! Charity is where I’m looking but to do what exactly, I’m unsure – well that’s the fun bit, I guess L
I trust you are all well and have invited many a new eye to this page… or not!
Where to start now, well I guess it has to be than man situation because that’s why you’re all not reading this!
So I’m trying to remember everyone’s code names. Dave, I believe I called him and you all know who he is, now knows about this site and no I’m still not quite over him even though it’s been a year. But I’m not going to sit here and write a big wod of boring stories, thoughts and feelings about him.! What I will tell you is I’ve had one declaration of love, I’ve joined (and got stung for it) as well as having met some random blokes through friends and just through being out.
Let me introduce you to the new characters… we have
· Crawley – that’s slightly obvious but hey ho! 31 lives in Crawley, slightly strange and a bit short but an interesting guy. More about him later.
· Then we have the Barrister. Oh yes ladies! Lives in Cardiff same age – nice chap! A friend of a friend friend type of thing and met him at a wine fair… will carry on further down.
· We have the daddy! 37 process of getting divorced, father of one from London. Tall, strange looking (As always) and recently met in The Dublin Castle… that is a story in itself.
· There’s been the blokes in the past few months. The journalist and the banker and the wolf.
· And of course there’s Dave.

So let me start from tonight.
I’ve just returned from a day by the seaside. Just me and my ipod, Brighton and my pier (you who know, know what I mean) – I need to clear some cobwebs and man did I get them blown out! I had my shakeaway – at last- and all was good. I remembered this guy I’d been chatting to on Match lived in Crawley more or less en route back to The Smoke, so I arranged to meet him in a pub near the station. Now if you’ve ever been to Crawley you’ll know what I mean, but I was scared. Not because there was a gang of yobs or asbo’s outside the station ready to beat me up but just as this place made Rotherham look like York! An under18’s club night was happening at this warehouse shed thing next to the exit – I mean, come on, do under 18 club nights still exist anywhere bar these strange little towns on the outskirts of London? Anyway, that’s besides the point.
So I was early (shock I know) headed for a fag and some cash… get corner by a bloke wanting two quid! Two quid!!! You don’t even get that in central! Cheek! So I hurried back to this backend pub. (note: I told the guy I liked old man pubs…like the Potter Cottage type of places.. not a dingy place that makes the Moorfoot Tavern/Good Mixer like a palace) As I get to the door, who’s walking down the road but Crawley. Shit! That blows my plan of sitting with a drink and looking cool in my soggy clothes and overly windswept hair! So we get to the bar and decide on a game of pool and a chat first we’d head outside. Well that was short lived, the guy’s ex was outside. Sadly I didn’t get a look which is such a shame as I’d have loved to know what she looked like. So we sat in the corner furthest away from the entrance. Sat and chatted about music and got rushed out of the door before I could finish my drink. We found another dodgy pub, ordered and I was pissed. Forgot to mention that I’d had a straight JD whilst still in Brighton to steady the nerves; so I’m there rambling, I mean really rambling at this guy who can’t have been much taller than a hobbit (remember I’m 5ft 7) and looked a bit like Rumplestilskin , then he starts getting a bit strangely flirty. Makes comments about me staying back at his. I’d already said a quick drink and that I had family down the next day. Slightly freaked out and now he’s pissed. So 930 comes and I make my reasons for leaving…plus the Barcelona Man United match was on and I couldn’t bare anymore drunk blare from men with over sized guts yelling at how fab that earring boy (Ranaldo) is. We walk back to the station. My train is in. kiss on the cheek and off I go.
So I’m about level with Gatwick airport and I get a text from him saying that he’s watching this film and it was a really good thing that I didn’t go back as he was pissed and didn’t trust me not to make a move on him! AY!???? What, this is girl mind gaming, not a blokes, anyway. I see straight through it and don’t bother replying.
I get back to good old KT slightly drunk and buy a packet of fags (I’m trying to quit) and a small bottle of JD. I get in, and have another text saying I hope I get in ok and thanking me for coming down. I also have a blank text. Hmm – yet again, a very girly thing. So I text back to the initial text and say something along the lines of don’t you mean you wouldn’t have trusted yourself with me? I get another back saying I would have trusted myself just fine, I think J - So I tell him he’s cheeky and naughty… now this is when it gets a tad odd… I think, so I will write his messages in full text below.
Yes I am, I can’t help it, I’m quite forward and push boundaries on purpose to see what will happen so watch out if you decide to come and see me again xx”
“Oh and when I said I trusted myself that more than likely ment that I wouldn’t behave lol”
So I sent back (just to see what he meant)
“ah mind games! I like your ways, how far do you push boundaries?”
“If you’d have stayed tonight you’d have found out J x I’m not into suicide so only until I know I’m about to be in trouble lol”
AHHHHHHH what the fuck does that last bit mean? Really…. I’m slightly scared and as I’m writing this. I have not text back…;
But I have been texting The Barrister since I’ve been back.
Now I met him at a wine fair that me and a friend blagged our way into. He’s my friends friends mate…nice lad, from Cardiff… liked random chat… well at least I think he did.
The day we met, we all headed back from the fair into central and got split up and I proceeded to get me and my mate Jan lost in east central… (I don’t hang out round there so I rest my case) to cut a long story short we didn’t end up meeting back up with them until we randomly got seated next to them in Wagamama’s. They were heading back to Cardiff, we were heading out so that was that. But a drunken Han made Jan text his mate to get his number for me. Very forward I know, but hey ho! So we’d exchanged a few text but that was it. So tonight, after an odd date, I thought I’d text him and see when he’s next in the capital and it sounds like he is soon. Wants to meet up… all sounds very good and then he asks if he can stay at mine. Flirty text messages!!! What is it with men, why does it always just have to be about sex?? I mean, I’m not complaining, it has been a while since I had a “good” session but still… please…. Why can’t it be meet for dinner and drinks and see what happens? A proper date??!!
I’ve only ever been on two dates. One with Dave and one with the banker (see above)…
The banker turned out to be a knob! I thought he was a decent bloke but no…. and the night it finally happened with me and him…. I chose him over another guy, a fitter guy (his mate like) the wolf… ah… that’s another story in itself… as it the story of the daddy… that’ll take me days to write.

So that’s about it for men at the moment. Not too exciting but I thought I’d leave you all hanging for a bit and any comments and suggestions are welcome as always.

It’s strange, even though all the above is about men… I’m so not interested. It just seems like some silly fun that happens if it happens. But I’m so happy with my girlfriends and my male mates that I, for once in my life, am happy being single! I can’t believe I wrote that.
Let’s get the career started again and some life kicked back into me (well finances so I can do silly things) and then see what happens!

I will rant about other things then men and lack of work. I have political arguments coming out of my ears at the moment so hold fire to that one.
Anyhow’s until next time……

Please keep writing on the facebook wall and adding your friends.. and for hells sake, join in with the debates, this isn’t just about me!My close friends always say my life's like a soap opera, well now it's a blog that I hope you all enjoy reading and contributing too. It would be great if we could turn this into a ranting site for everyone, not just me! Remember just because we're 20something doesn't mean we're really that much wiser than when we went through all this in our teens- LOL! Just have jobs and are in debt!Please pass this on to other people and join my facebook group!Love and blessingsRae x

Wednesday 3 September 2008

Keeping Fit? Blog 3!

Well then my fellow 20somethings, sorry it’s been a while since I last wrote. Writing over the weekend was proved quite difficult with me doing my usual dash over London and the South East.
So, what’s new with you guys? Melodrama has been high on the old ricta scale with me, as usual
I’m back on the hunt on mysinglefriend, and needless to say, it isn’t going very well. I keep sending what I think are witty messages to blokes and getting NOTHING back apart from this banker wanker type who’s 30! I don’t think I’m ready for a guy of that age. I’ve always liked guys around my own age – must show my immaturity. Oh, I don’t know. Speed dating’s been put back a week or two as well, so I’m feeling a bit down on the bloke front and it really shouldn’t be at the for front of my mind when I don’t have a job!
Speaking of which, I’ve made a career choice, after 12 years of dreaming, writing and poorly paid work, I’m leaving the music industry. I mean, not even like I was in it that much but I’m looking to move towards charity sector. I’ve realize I need to do something a bit more meaningful with my life than trying to make other people rich and being part of a propaganda machine of telling the general public what they should and shouldn’t be listening too. It’s very scary, I’m slightly cross with myself that I’m “giving up” on my dreams, a very common thing to do in your 20s from what I’ve heard; but then as one of my very very good friends pointed out, I’ll probably get my love back for music and can always dabble a bit in it and even get my bloody club night sorted. Speaking of which, if anyone can help me out, I need to write a proposal for a club and I’m going to have to lie through my teeth and pretend that I’ve done a night before! I also expect you to be there when/if it ever gets going!
Back to the title of my blog! Keeping Fit!
I’m so desperate to get fit and loose a few inches of my thighs and stomach but my god, it’s a lot of effort just to get there. I started going to yoga and I really enjoy it even though it kills my bad back and I try to go swimming but I really want to be as slim as I was when I was younger. That’s quite funny in itself as I thought I was so fat! I swear my 7 years at Notre Dame did me some damage. I remember Kevin Abdula (name not changed) saying to me on the 699 bus in year 8, agh “Hannah you’re so ugly and minging, no one will ever want to kiss you.”Hell, that stuck in my head for years. Then there was the fact that I never really fitted into a “group” – which, in away, looking back I quite like now but it still left me with some issues. Don’t get me wrong by year 11 and Sixth Form, I had found a clique and was friends with most of the year, yet it did still leave me feeling unattractive and over weight. That was until I went to summer school at Sheff Uni between year 12 and 13 and met a friend and consequently a group of people that changed my life. Now, what shall I call him, Woolly* was this highly intelligent guy that was so off the wall and crazy that I felt so at home with him and his mates especially Del* who I ended up being the first bloke that ever broke my heart – that’s another story but the point being, that year we all went to Leeds Festival together and I’d never had boys fancy me like that, not to mention fight over me (another long story) – I don’t know what I’m rabbling on about all I know is I need to get fit, cut back on the fags and well, I don’t eat that much and I’m a veggie so…but just get active! I have a gym membership and I’m just wasting it! Agggghhhh (again)
What else was I going to ramble about oh yeah, idols getting old. Now, I think most of you know I’m stuck in the 90s, well, last night I went to see Gomez with Liz. Now, back in the day, I didn’t like them and Liz really wanted to go so I went and man, they were really good – apart from the fact I had to leave half way through as I was ill, but that aside, they were fantastic but man, had they aged! I keep forgetting that everyone else gets older as we do. I mean, Jarvis is 44 this year – it’s his birthday soon – I’m a stalker I know, and the Gallagher’s there old too. I really need to find people of my own age to fancy/idolize/admire instead of old codgers but then, I guess that’s what you get for being at the end of a generation.
I don’t know if any of you agree with me, but I think out school year (99 –gcse year) were the last of the whole “brit pop” generation. I remember when we all went back for the last year of sixth form and the year below came up - it was like they were from another planet. Lipsticks, eye liner, fake tan, too much attitude – they didn’t have the respect for the older years like we had done. And this has continued. If I look at my brothers year, Rat* my brother, turns 20 this Friday, they’re so superficial, impatient and overly confident. Whereas I think our age group, yeah, we’re impatient but we will work hard for what we want and just get frustrated but them, they want it all now with minimal effort and they expect it. It’s so strange, they all seemed to grow up too fast; they didn’t have teenage angst like we did. Didn’t fight parents and older siblings for independence, they just said, I’m doing it, like it or lump it! I may have got this all wrong and sound desperately like an old git, but that’s how I see it!
Anyway, enough from me today, I’m going to plan my club night and write this covering letter for a charity job (wish me luck) and live in hope that he’ll text me to go out for a late night romantic pizza or something…. Hmmm pizza.
I will write again this week, as I know I’ve been slack!
Please keep writing on the facebook wall and adding your friends.. and for hells sake, join in with the debates, this isn’t just about me!
My close friends always say my life's like a soap opera, well now it's a blog that I hope you all enjoy reading and contributing too. It would be great if we could turn this into a ranting site for everyone, not just me! Remember just because we're 20something doesn't mean we're really that much wiser than when we went through all this in our teens- LOL! Just have jobs and are in debt!

Please pass this on to other people and join my facebook group!

Love and blessings

Rae x

NB: names have been changed no personal vendettas meant to anyone - it's just life as it is, according to Rae

Thursday 28 August 2008

Day Two - City Boy Delights????

I know some of you are having problems leaving comments so please leave on the facebook wall

Wow, I’m feeling a bit more inspired today, so no doubt it’ll be less interesting - lol - as I’ve had loads of thoughts and jotted them down on my blackberry (how media savvy?)

Well, it’s been a day and half when it comes to emotions.
I ended up turning up at my mate Max*’s house (who I’m supposed to be helping out with some pr work – hope the DFWAP don’t see this – I’m NOT GETTING PAID FOR IT) in tears – a total emotional wreck, I guess it's a long story I shouldn't really share.

I have a question for any guys reading this and the girls, I’m interested in both points of view.
At what point does a woman’s sexual past make her a slag? Ie. How many men = slag? and do you find that it’s still ok for a guy to sleep with as many girls as possible but the other way round, the girl is a slag/slut/whore ?(delete as appropriate)

Please put your answers on the facebook wall – whilst I try and figure one of those poll things on my blog.

Ah, so many things to write – maybe I should save some for tomorrow?
I really could sit here and write all about the interesting conversations I’ve had today, been one of those days, pour example – Max and I were having a conversation about morals, ethics and views; it was from a book about how to find oneself. No! not one of those shitty ones, but a proper anthropological one… views on euthanasia, equal rights… should families with strong religious beliefs deprive their sick child treatment because of it? Was very interesting but I’m not going to bore you all with my ethics and views, as I know a lot of you get it from me down the pub anyway!

So, I’ve just got in from a night with my friend *Liz and her housey *Sophie. It was meant to be gig Wednesday on a Thursday, a good old gig down on Brick Lane. Death in Vegas’ new group was on the menu but due to the highly over priced venues of London we ended up in Vibe Bar. Now for you who are Landars, you’ll know Vibe, I’m not a fan. It’s great for people watching though City Boys/wankers and Shoreditch Twats, great mixture; anyway we were having a fab girly night, talking about all the usual stuff and trains (I’m a geek, not a spotter but I have an obsession with the London Underground) and speed dating again. Good old Liz, bless her, not too clued up on the old speed dating and was quite horrified at the whole lock and key party idea – then crops up in conversation. As it turns out Soph’s mate is on there and he bullied his mate into to writing good shit about him then totally abuses the system, 100s of girls throwing themselves at him and he’s got a bird! Wanker . Hmm maybe I’m naive but I thought this website maybe different (Guardian Singles is looking more promising) or it could be that I’m totally disheartened that all the fit blokes I messaged haven’t got back to me and the ones that have added me to their favourites are mingers. I’m really regretting paying the 20 quid. If you’re a millionaire though you get to go on exclusive ones, that you have to get interviewed for and I also found out that in the city you can go on speed lunch dates and annoying people with clip boards will organize it whilst you’re in your morning “board” meeting!

Agh, I’ve been in a relationship too long…

Anyway, I digress ….so to try and cut this, what’s turning into a long story short again – I think there’s now four of us off next week for speed dating, (lets hope it works better than MSF).

>>Back to the night, so we’re all sitting there with our assorted drinks, chatting and this “chap” comes over to me. A rather Bristishy handsome chap (my mum would have melted) and a tad pissed, he was after a fag but insisted on talking to me. Now, I was a) slightly flattered he wanted to talk to me b) slightly insulted he was pissed c) slightly annoyed that he thought he had to talk to me and that he wanted to when we were having such girl fun! So, he’s crouched down next me and starts yacking on about yoga. Now I’m not your average “city attracter” and I do look a bit of a hippy so it was a good guess I did Yoga – well just started, but man, was this guy boring and so bemused by the fact he was talking to a hippy type lass. I guess you had to be there. Then to top it off we get another gang of them sat on the other side of the bench – bloody hell and on top off THAT, one was an Ozie. Now don’t get me wrong, I like Ozies apart from the fact they’re everywhere in London (apologies to a specific friend not meant at you) but this guy was another bore, then there was Matt a guy from Yorkshire. He knew one of Sophie’s ex’s – (she being from the same part of Yorkshire) and talk about carrying on, if you could have seen Sophie’s face, you’d have had a laugh a minute. Hold on, there is a point to this rant, yes! …CITY BOYSSSSS!!!!!! Ahhhhhh, They weren’t too much of the arrogant twat type more the smooth talking, I’m going to try something new here – rar rar rar types and fuck me! Are they boring? Work, work, work – oh good old uni days when we nicked a traffic cone…oh how funny you’re northern, all 3 of you, I was once from up there – yad, yad,! Someone pull them away. I don’t get it though; I always seem to attract them. Walking down the street (I’ve be come more observant, mother’s orders and smiling at “city traffic” is always so much fun, puts them on edge) I always get looked up and down by city boys…please, someone take them away from me. I know some girls want a city bloke but, trust me, spare your mind!!


>>> A little paranoia thought I had earlier>>>
Now we all, both boys and girls, know how being pushy with the opposite sex generally pushes them away and looking needy, ain’t a good move, but can you do the same with girlfriends?
It’s London, everyone needs a friend and let’s face it, friends in this place can be as hard to come across as a mortgage in a credit crunch, but when you do find one/two/ them if you’re lucky, you grab on! Well, I know I do but I think I’m getting to the point of being needy. Not as in a needy friend that needs a moan and needs this and that but, maybe pushy’s a better word. “When are we meeting again, lets do this, lets do that”… I don’t know, I’m just having this big panic about it all. Hell, I do sound like I’m writing that annoying bit at the beginning/end of SATC. I’m comparing it again! Hehe.
Anyway, that was my thought. In saying that, Liz and I, a while back, were talking about friend dating. Dave said it was very 30 something, I thought it sounded quite fun.
The concept is, you and a friend meet for a drink, she brings a friend and that friend brings a friend and so on and so forth until it gets to the point of redic! Maybe “FRIEND SWAP” – (there you go E4, another show for you to REPLACE FRIENDS!!!!)
I think it’s a great concept, yet to be put into practice, but still the idea’s there! Any thoughts? It may come up with some good content for this.. I can have a proper bitch then, as at the moment, I’m holding back a little – give me time though and you won’t be able to stop me.

Ooo! Just remembered – going back to men again (I’m not obsessed, honest) and this might be one for the girls but do you think it’s true that men notice you more when you’re ovulating? I read this article once (probably in a trash mag whilst bored at my old job) that when woman are ovulating, they walk with a wiggle, naturally whereas the rest of the time it’s an innate subconscious ( I know that sounds contradictory) thing to wiggle the rest of the time! I was just wondering if a guy noticed it too>??

I’ve also got a big rant to write! “Being a northerner in London” but I think I may leave that for another day as it will be pages long and to be quite frank, it’s late and I’m shattered, plus I think you may have had enough for today.

Quick fire of thoughts and questions today though
I think I’ve realized that I’m not as career focused as I once thought. Don’t get me wrong, I love working and I love to hate my career choice, I couldn’t manage doing a normal office job, but I’ve realized I don’t have that drive that city wankers do and talk about it all the time, maybe it’s because I’ll never get to earn the same amount of mular (not that I’d want it, as I think it turns you into a twat) but yes!
Hold fire the career and job hunting, interviewing posts will be coming soon. Interviews should be a good one to write about. I’ll be sitting there thinking, “how can I best describe this overly qualified, big nosed bigget in my blog” instead of going “ yes, I do think I’m capable of doing 1001 things at once, whilst getting paid pittance and having you stare down my top!

I thought of a new phrase to… “Doing a Tony Blair”. I know it’s probably been used a 100 times before, but I mean in away of always wanting to be down with the kids or in his case a successful musician… If you listen to the lyrics of Cocaine Socialism by Pulp, you’ll understand what I mean.

Right, I’m ramberling!

Please pass this on to other people and join my facebook group!

Love and blessings

Rae x

*NB: names have been changed no personal vendettas meant to anyone - it's just life as it is, according to Rae

My close friends always say my life's like a soap opera, well now it's a blog that I hope you all enjoy reading and contributing too. It would be great if we could turn this into a ranting site for everyone, not just me! Remember just because we're 20something doesn't mean we're really that much wise than when we went through all this in our teens- LOL! Just have jobs and are in debt!