Thursday 14 April 2011

The optimism of spring.

I like spring for many reasons; not only is it my birthday and that of many of my nearest and dearest but I love the uncertainty of it. You don’t know if you’ll get snow or, like in the case of the past five days, glorious sunshine. Birds sing and flowers play gambles with their lives whether to push through early or late. Lambs skip around the green patch work fields, whilst three weeks later, all you carnivores will be digesting baby lamb with a side of greens and jersey royals.

Spring is fun, the uncertainty and avid anticipation to when you should change your wardrobe over, personally gets me every year (and I get it wrong every year) Is it time for the big knits to become outer wear rather than an extra layer underneath your duffel coat. Can you get away with flipflopping down the high street or is it still darn on the knee high boots and 90 denier tights?

Christmas is meant to be the time of fun, family and friends but I disagree, it’s spring. Christmas is the one time every year that you don’t want to be single. Even if you’re a happy singleton that relishes the anti-valentine’s massacre, when Santa and his elves appear – it’s a time to get ready to justify your existence. When in the past, feeling down about my love life and having no attention from the opposite sex for months on end, my mum always reassured me, just wait for spring – the boys will be out and wanting to play and meet girls again. And I have to say, in the past she’s always been right yet this does leave you with a sense of paranoia that it’s just mother nature playing with your heart and there’s nothing you can do about the fact that when the dark nights come round again and Christmas once again peeks its fake-fully-joyous head, you’ll be single again- sat on the children’s table at Christmas dinners and so on and so forth. But this again, makes spring exciting – its uncertainty that may be that Mr. March, April or May could in fact last a full year of seasons and not to mention a summer of fun. Spring is the run up, the practice, the getting ready for the summer, which, let’s face it, in weather terms is going to be a disappointment – not like spring! So i shout for spring! One for the lovin’ of all things uncertain!

But as I get older, I have to say, the one thing I do miss about spring is Easter bonnets and egg rolling… anyone game?