Wednesday 27 May 2009

Welcome back to the melodrama of a 20something dramaqueen!

So it’s been a while and wow, so much has and hasn’t happened!The boring bit first! I’m yet again unemployed and soul searching for the perfect job. A job that helps people pays well, with good hours and a slight career attached to it! Charity is where I’m looking but to do what exactly, I’m unsure – well that’s the fun bit, I guess L
I trust you are all well and have invited many a new eye to this page… or not!
Where to start now, well I guess it has to be than man situation because that’s why you’re all not reading this!
So I’m trying to remember everyone’s code names. Dave, I believe I called him and you all know who he is, now knows about this site and no I’m still not quite over him even though it’s been a year. But I’m not going to sit here and write a big wod of boring stories, thoughts and feelings about him.! What I will tell you is I’ve had one declaration of love, I’ve joined (and got stung for it) as well as having met some random blokes through friends and just through being out.
Let me introduce you to the new characters… we have
· Crawley – that’s slightly obvious but hey ho! 31 lives in Crawley, slightly strange and a bit short but an interesting guy. More about him later.
· Then we have the Barrister. Oh yes ladies! Lives in Cardiff same age – nice chap! A friend of a friend friend type of thing and met him at a wine fair… will carry on further down.
· We have the daddy! 37 process of getting divorced, father of one from London. Tall, strange looking (As always) and recently met in The Dublin Castle… that is a story in itself.
· There’s been the blokes in the past few months. The journalist and the banker and the wolf.
· And of course there’s Dave.

So let me start from tonight.
I’ve just returned from a day by the seaside. Just me and my ipod, Brighton and my pier (you who know, know what I mean) – I need to clear some cobwebs and man did I get them blown out! I had my shakeaway – at last- and all was good. I remembered this guy I’d been chatting to on Match lived in Crawley more or less en route back to The Smoke, so I arranged to meet him in a pub near the station. Now if you’ve ever been to Crawley you’ll know what I mean, but I was scared. Not because there was a gang of yobs or asbo’s outside the station ready to beat me up but just as this place made Rotherham look like York! An under18’s club night was happening at this warehouse shed thing next to the exit – I mean, come on, do under 18 club nights still exist anywhere bar these strange little towns on the outskirts of London? Anyway, that’s besides the point.
So I was early (shock I know) headed for a fag and some cash… get corner by a bloke wanting two quid! Two quid!!! You don’t even get that in central! Cheek! So I hurried back to this backend pub. (note: I told the guy I liked old man pubs…like the Potter Cottage type of places.. not a dingy place that makes the Moorfoot Tavern/Good Mixer like a palace) As I get to the door, who’s walking down the road but Crawley. Shit! That blows my plan of sitting with a drink and looking cool in my soggy clothes and overly windswept hair! So we get to the bar and decide on a game of pool and a chat first we’d head outside. Well that was short lived, the guy’s ex was outside. Sadly I didn’t get a look which is such a shame as I’d have loved to know what she looked like. So we sat in the corner furthest away from the entrance. Sat and chatted about music and got rushed out of the door before I could finish my drink. We found another dodgy pub, ordered and I was pissed. Forgot to mention that I’d had a straight JD whilst still in Brighton to steady the nerves; so I’m there rambling, I mean really rambling at this guy who can’t have been much taller than a hobbit (remember I’m 5ft 7) and looked a bit like Rumplestilskin , then he starts getting a bit strangely flirty. Makes comments about me staying back at his. I’d already said a quick drink and that I had family down the next day. Slightly freaked out and now he’s pissed. So 930 comes and I make my reasons for leaving…plus the Barcelona Man United match was on and I couldn’t bare anymore drunk blare from men with over sized guts yelling at how fab that earring boy (Ranaldo) is. We walk back to the station. My train is in. kiss on the cheek and off I go.
So I’m about level with Gatwick airport and I get a text from him saying that he’s watching this film and it was a really good thing that I didn’t go back as he was pissed and didn’t trust me not to make a move on him! AY!???? What, this is girl mind gaming, not a blokes, anyway. I see straight through it and don’t bother replying.
I get back to good old KT slightly drunk and buy a packet of fags (I’m trying to quit) and a small bottle of JD. I get in, and have another text saying I hope I get in ok and thanking me for coming down. I also have a blank text. Hmm – yet again, a very girly thing. So I text back to the initial text and say something along the lines of don’t you mean you wouldn’t have trusted yourself with me? I get another back saying I would have trusted myself just fine, I think J - So I tell him he’s cheeky and naughty… now this is when it gets a tad odd… I think, so I will write his messages in full text below.
Yes I am, I can’t help it, I’m quite forward and push boundaries on purpose to see what will happen so watch out if you decide to come and see me again xx”
“Oh and when I said I trusted myself that more than likely ment that I wouldn’t behave lol”
So I sent back (just to see what he meant)
“ah mind games! I like your ways, how far do you push boundaries?”
“If you’d have stayed tonight you’d have found out J x I’m not into suicide so only until I know I’m about to be in trouble lol”
AHHHHHHH what the fuck does that last bit mean? Really…. I’m slightly scared and as I’m writing this. I have not text back…;
But I have been texting The Barrister since I’ve been back.
Now I met him at a wine fair that me and a friend blagged our way into. He’s my friends friends mate…nice lad, from Cardiff… liked random chat… well at least I think he did.
The day we met, we all headed back from the fair into central and got split up and I proceeded to get me and my mate Jan lost in east central… (I don’t hang out round there so I rest my case) to cut a long story short we didn’t end up meeting back up with them until we randomly got seated next to them in Wagamama’s. They were heading back to Cardiff, we were heading out so that was that. But a drunken Han made Jan text his mate to get his number for me. Very forward I know, but hey ho! So we’d exchanged a few text but that was it. So tonight, after an odd date, I thought I’d text him and see when he’s next in the capital and it sounds like he is soon. Wants to meet up… all sounds very good and then he asks if he can stay at mine. Flirty text messages!!! What is it with men, why does it always just have to be about sex?? I mean, I’m not complaining, it has been a while since I had a “good” session but still… please…. Why can’t it be meet for dinner and drinks and see what happens? A proper date??!!
I’ve only ever been on two dates. One with Dave and one with the banker (see above)…
The banker turned out to be a knob! I thought he was a decent bloke but no…. and the night it finally happened with me and him…. I chose him over another guy, a fitter guy (his mate like) the wolf… ah… that’s another story in itself… as it the story of the daddy… that’ll take me days to write.

So that’s about it for men at the moment. Not too exciting but I thought I’d leave you all hanging for a bit and any comments and suggestions are welcome as always.

It’s strange, even though all the above is about men… I’m so not interested. It just seems like some silly fun that happens if it happens. But I’m so happy with my girlfriends and my male mates that I, for once in my life, am happy being single! I can’t believe I wrote that.
Let’s get the career started again and some life kicked back into me (well finances so I can do silly things) and then see what happens!

I will rant about other things then men and lack of work. I have political arguments coming out of my ears at the moment so hold fire to that one.
Anyhow’s until next time……

Please keep writing on the facebook wall and adding your friends.. and for hells sake, join in with the debates, this isn’t just about me!My close friends always say my life's like a soap opera, well now it's a blog that I hope you all enjoy reading and contributing too. It would be great if we could turn this into a ranting site for everyone, not just me! Remember just because we're 20something doesn't mean we're really that much wiser than when we went through all this in our teens- LOL! Just have jobs and are in debt!Please pass this on to other people and join my facebook group!Love and blessingsRae x